So, today's focus on #WBW brings back a whole lot of fun and cherished memories of when I was a kid. This tiny bit of my childhood makes me remember how awesome it was, and trust me, the music is just a tip of that iceberg.
I was just telling my older brother the other day of how our nephew and niece (in other words, niblings) will NEVER understand our excitement behind all these hits. It's a bittersweet fact.
But really, the 90's though. Where did all that time go?! (Urgh. This seems to be the question I ask more often than not nowadays. Na wa!)
EVERYONE knows we can't talk about 90's pop and RnB music and not refer to Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys. Then when it comes to reggae/dancehall, my personal favorite will always be Diana King. Well, one might say she doesn't meet the mark but let's just say she fits in my books for sentimental reasons.
I recall back then in Khartoum, Sudan when my dad (God bless his soul) took us all to the Bazaar and my sister frantically searched for a Spice Girls album cassette (Yep. Cassette. We sure have come a long way) but sadly they were sold out. Then she decided to go with Diana King's even though she had never heard of her before then...and it turned out to be one of the best decisions she has made with regards to music.
Let's just say if it was a CD, it was bound to get scratched due to the umpteen times we played and rewound it. (Urgh. The 'cassette-tape-rewind-struggle'. Thank heavens for the new and improved replay button.)
For some odd reason my memory bulb lit up one afternoon at work and I just started singing some Spice Girls hits out of the blue...
...then Backstreet Boys' came to mind...
...and finally Diana's.
I quickly got all of their greatest hits off the internet and pretty much a tear (or two) of joy dropped whilst I put them on repeat on my playlist.
Thinking back on the days we used to dance in the living room while the hits (especially Backstreet Boys') blared from the stereo.
*sigh* Nostalgia.
L-R: Posh, Sporty, Scary, Ginger and Baby Spice.
Fun fact: Posh Spice (Victoria Beckham) hardly ever smiles cause she has dimples and she isn't fond of them.
I know right? Who doesn't love dimples??
R-L: Howie, Nick, Brian, Kevin and AJ
All the girls loved the pretty boy, Nick. I on the other hand (being the weird one as always) had a slight crush on nail polish and all.
Don't judge me.
Oooh ! I rhymed! Hehe! *big grin*