
Monday 26 January 2015

'BaE'ileys, 'B'a(E)con 'A'nd 'E'ggs

Lord knows I hate that word. Hate doesn't even cut it. I loathe it. Detest it. It just feels like a roach crawling up my spine *Urgh*  
Whatever happened to the other 'b'? Got eaten by a shark maybe?

Trust me, I could be a sucker for 'lovey-dovey-mushiness' once in a while but honey, do not call me 'bae' Please don't.

Remember how Mary Embrey in the movie 'Hancock' went all coocoo anytime she was called crazy?
(Most of you won't recall cause it was such a crappy movie)
Anyhow, what I'm trying to say is I'd go all MEmbrey on you if you in as much as whisper that word into my ears. Dude! You can do waaay better than that. Camaaan!

See that? ^^^ *tsk tsk*

BUT (that's a highly significant 'but') if of course you have to just cause you can't seem to find a better word to express how adorable and amazing and awesome I am, (I have that effect on people...can't help it) give it a lil' flava will ya?
Say like BaEcon and Eggs. (now that's delicious!)    
Oh oh, I got another one! How about we go with BAEileys (*sigh* that creamy tasty feel that rolls down the oesophagus. Using that word, 'oesophagus' rather than 'gullet' or 'throat' makes me feel way smarter)

In other words, lemme wrap this up. If there be anything that I would ever call 'Bae' in my life (which would be if a gun was put to my head of course)...Food.
Food my darlings, is bae.

Dassall *burp*

Sunday 25 January 2015

ShokiTerus (my bad...just couldn't think of a better title)

So the last time we had a conversation, (well I had a conversation with myself actually) I wailed, cried, desperately begged for some inspiration. OK. Scrap that bit.  Cool people don't beg.
I 'ordered' you to find me some kind of muse. But then its my blog so I took things into my own hands...which I should have done in the first place. Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just don't judge me.

Was having a chat with an anonymous good friend/sister of mine and the talk of babies came up. Let's face it. There is a point in the female specie's life span when her ovaries begin to marvel at the bare thought of having kids...or like another friend of mine would say, 'The uterus starts doing Shoki'.
To those who do not know, Shoki is a type of dance that involves some upward/downward hand and arm movements. A dance that Nigerians apparently adopt to all genres of music...including jazz. *straight face*
Yep...odd people all around me. Not that I'm complaining *shrug*

Aight. Where were we? Yes, babies. Ovaries. Uterus.

Lol. The funny bit  of this whole story is she literally had a dream that she was in labor. She has so got the baby fever going on.
Not that I blame her. I could practically eat my nephew all up. He is that adorable. 
In her case, she is pretty much older than I am so the level of the 'Shoki-Uterus' is more or less on a scale of 1 to 10...definitely a number 8.5...let's round that up to a 9.

Oh well...think I've already gotten the spot of godmother when the baby (or babies? Twins? Triplets? Quadruplets maybe??) finally becomes a reality.

So till then, we wait....*Shoki*

Wednesday 21 January 2015


Forgive me.
I haven't exactly been geared up to post since the last (and first) time.
I know you must be thinking, 'Who cares? No one even follows your blog'. Camaan! Cut me some slack. Weird people are allowed to talk to themselves so hey, that's exactly what I'm doing okay? Bite me *straight face*

Yep. You figured me out. I don't have anything to post on here even now...just wanted to ensure the blog doesn't feel so dead. You can call this the 'resuscitation' post...or whatever. Humor yourselves.

In other news, to the 'non-existent' readers of this blog, The Witty Ingenious needs a boost. Feel free to inspire me.

Be my muse. My Thalia. ευχαριστίες

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Just A Tad-Bit

So I finally did it. A blog. I can literally see my sis grinning from ear to ear right now *sigh*

Thing is, I don't know if starting this makes me girly *yuck*, stereotyped *bleh* or just darn creative *hmm*.
The latter makes me feel much better...cooler even. I should go with that *grins*

Anyways, that being said, what you would be reading here is more or less what just pops into my mind. Music, Movies, Quotes, Art, Food, Fashion....bada di dum dum dum...virtually anything that I believe is worth sharing. Yes, even sounds that go on in my head like I just did.

I'm pretty weird so you may just have to be a tad -bit weirder to understand some of the 'crap' you would be seeing here...just a tad-bit *wink*

So till then...
*drum roll* Badum tissss

KiKi 'The Wit'