Sometimes, we just need a cleanse.
A cleanse from social media.
A cleanse from unhealthy food.
A cleanse from well, people. Or that particular person.
Sometimes, we just need a break from all three.
Hearing about Kobe Bryant and his daughter's death last night just gave me yet another reason to go offline for a while.
I try my hardest to steer clear from bad news as much as possible, but social media harbours a lot of depressing news it chokes me.
I long for the days when I couldn't be bothered about FOMO. And the more I long for those days, the more I find myself drawing closer to that decision of pressing the brakes on my social media accounts.
One of the few reasons I am yet to do that is the irking reactions I will get from people.
'Are you okay?'
'Who are you running from?'
'Na wa oh! Someone can't reach you again?'
But I have decided my answers to these three 'pertinent' questions, which I will respond to like clockwork every single time *smirk*
'Sure, why not? I am just off social media, not dying from cancer, sweetie.'
'My imaginary stalker ex ex ex ex boyfriend. Duh.'
'Errr, hunny, you can text AND call, no?'
Nah. I won't be THAT mean, 'cause I know more than half of these folks actually do care.
But yeah, you get my drift.
Taking a break from food is loooong overdue. I mean, y'all know how much Kiki loves her food.
But I need this. Not just for now, but to make it a lifestyle. Your girl's gotta get her abs on!
So, coupled with my diet plan, I will hit the gym twice a week - Tuesdays and Thursdays to be precise, and jog every Saturday (so help me God).
And then the most important of all, The Human Cleanse. No long story here, seeing as we've all probably been in this situation before.
Like, you know when you know you are getting a tad bit too attached to someone (whom you really shouldn't) and you need to take a step or two back? And it's not cause the person isn't good per say, but cause you need your headspace to be in the right place to make things work effortlessly between you guys.
Call this more like a mental cleanse. I am a loner. Being on my lonesome is when I thrive the most.
I need to remind myself that I still have that 'amazing' trait. That I can handle not talking to this person every single day and maintain that 'mental balance', for lack of a better term.
And to answer your 'question', nope, it's not a romantic relationship. Baby girl is still singu to stupor...for now *wink*
That being said, expect my 'Cleanse Report' in 21 days people. Wish me luck.
PS: Happy 4th Blogiversary to me *blows out candle*
And Happy 63rd Birthday Mamma Mia! *blows kiss*