As promised.
So I managed to get a major breather today at work and figure out the upload technicality problem to FINALLY post pictures from my vacation.
Less words. More pictures.
Enjoy! :)
The top notch part of travelling to London alone is the transportation system.
To be honest, the
TFL (Transport For London) map got me all topsy turvy the first time. But in a day or two, I got a hang of it, just like *snaps fingers* that.
And of course, Google Maps was pretty much my best friend.
I see 'Piccadilly line' and I'm home free. Lol.
But of course! *grins*
'Cause my birthday fell on a wedding day...
#ToluWedsStephen #NigeriaMeetsGhana
So one of my favorite persons in the world told me about Be At One.
Luckily, my friends and I found it on the night of my birthday.
Let's just say we had fun, fun, fun!
NB: Apparently, this was my first time in a ever.
Yep. True Story...
The bar tender's signature cocktail...I think
Good thing that all the spots I planned to visit were in Westminster, a stone's throw away from each other.
And thanks to my sister's sis-in-law who resides in London, I was able to get a
London Big Adventure ticket at an ace discount - for 5 attractions!
Who no like awoof? *hehe*
The queue to get in though *whew*
Taking pictures and video recordings were not allowed during the London Dungeon tour.
So all the fond memories are pretty much my memory.
PS: I got to meet Ms. Lovett #SweeneyTodd *grins teeth*
This experience just made me feel like a little kid again :)
Just couldn't resist taking a shot of this cute lil' family :)

Fanta Lemon and Fanta Orange...apparently.
In case y'all didn't know, that is the REAL London Bridge.
*drum rolls* Aaaaand, my favorite part!
Foooood Glorious Fooooood!
Remember the
plan to hangout with a friend of mine at Canary Wharf the day before my birthday?
Well, we decided to order in instead, have a glass (or two) of wine and chill at her apartment.
Pretty good call if you ask me.
A visit to my god mum's was a priority as I had never met her in person before.
And boy, was she ready to feed me to stupor!
Jollof rice never tasted soooo good...
Had a plum for the first time as well.
My reaction? 'Plum! Yum!!'
I had a major target to get me some Ben & Jerry's ice cream when I got there.
This Blueberry slush from the Sea Life London Aquarium was so lush!
I think I found myself a winner!
I always make the best choices....
#BBQSmokyJoe #YouCanNeverGoWrongWithPulledPork
It's the Gingerbread Man! *grin*
Shephard's Pie for the win. *licks lips*
LOL. As always...
Sure thing I had to bring some goodies home to the fam...
Always, always, always the window seat <3