
Friday 11 September 2015


I bet some of you don't know that food is possibly the easiest way to Kiki's heart.
One person that does know however is the big sis. Takes a foodie to know a foodie. This just in and made my weekend already!

Ok. Let me 'introduce' everyone mentioned herein;

Keke- The big sis
Toyin- The youngest sis-in-law (numero uno aburo!!! *high five*)
Dijimi- The sweetest nephew ever (well, prior to the other ones yet to come)
Ese- The 'twin' sis-in-law (married to the bro-in-law's twin brother)
'Daddies'- The twin fathers (who happened to not be invited...hehe)
Arinze- The big bro
Afam- The 'bigger' bro (comes after the big sis and before the big bro...get it?)
Then there is baby Dabira aka 'Dab-Dab' the 'twin' niece-in-law (Ese's baby), who isn't mentioned on here (probably cause she can't eat pizza just yet)

Now, no food tastes better than free food.
Hence, the sis gets the spot of my very first #FCF- Female Crush Friday. Well she pretty much is my Female Crush/ Woman Crush all day any day anyway *shrug* (Plus my momma of course)

But oh 'Food glorious Foooood! *in Oliver Twist's voice*

*skips into the sunlight*


  1. Hehehehehe!!!! Nice on, Kiki!!! Glad you guys enjoyed ur treat *smiles* I'm honored to be ur Female/Woman Crush *batting eyes & blushing*

  2. #WoopWoop free fooooooood! 🙌
