
Tuesday 8 December 2015

Same Difference

The last time I had on a pair of contact lenses was during my B.Sc. Graduation Dinner (studied Computer Science just in case you're wondering)
They were pretty much 'wasted' cause I hardly ever wore them anyway.
To answer your 'question', no, I don't wear neither do I need glasses.

Fast forward to four years later and I see a sister of a friend of mine wearing a pair of Purple (yep. Purple) recommended contacts. She is dark skinned but it looked real good on her. And I thought, 'Hmm. Been a while I've tried these on. Getting a pair won't hurt'

Thing is, I love to experiment with my looks. Wait. Scratch that.
I love to experiment with my hair. (Yes. Sounds more like it) Kinda surprised I haven't dyed it green or blue already. Well...who knows?

Anyway, the point to my 'story' is I decided to throw in 'experimenting with my eyes' this time around (along with my hair on which I happened to get brown highlights during the same I got it 'straw-curled'. Google that up) and bought a pair of Hazel colored contacts. Not recommended of course (kindly refer to my prior statement)
Although I wanted Brown ones cause they seem more natural, they had run out of stock and I was left with either Honey or Hazel. So I went with the latter to get a subtler look.

I put them on, get to the office...and THEN the controversy begins.
Should I use the word 'controversy' though? Nah. It wasn't that deep an argument but you get my drift.

The idea behind why people, ladies to be precise make use of 'sakommended' (like we Nigerians like to call it) colored contact lenses has actually been strung along for a while now.
Some people's opinion, if not most, believe those who use them are insecure about their looks, FYI the color of their eyes in this case and I'm thinking, 'How weird is it to 'hate' or be 'ashamed' of the color of your eyes for Pete's sake?'
The shape of your nose...probably. The texture of your hair...possibly. But color of your eyes? Now that's a little extreme don't you think?

So I did a little research and got through to an article on titled Guys- Color Contacts On Women, Yay or Nay? and then this comment caught my attention and laid my 'quest' to rest.

Hmm. Now let's get this straight. If I am 'insecure' about my looks now just cause I wear colored contacts, then that probably means my 'insecurity' dates way back to my hair-dying frenzy days innit? Just saying...
Ponder on that for a second.

Uh huh...that's what I thought. *smirks*

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