
Monday 28 December 2015

The MixTape: GhaGeria II

I have always wanted to get the feel of being a part of a studio session. My sis and I used to joke when we were younger of how we would one day get a duet album produced cause everyone seemed to be going into music at the time. At least we had the voices to probably even get it certified platinum.

My 'school son' recently delved into hip-hop music and has a couple of mix tapes to his name. However, he needed a female voice to feature in the chorus of one of his tracks and well, I got the slot.
Nah, no payments nor incentives necessary. Let's just say I did it as a favor and also for the love of music.
Plus, he kind of scrapped one task off my bucketlist so I guess I do 'owe' him one.

The mix tape collaboration titled Ghageria II which is a combination of the countries, GHAna (Kula) and NiGERIA (KelZ, the school son) dropped on Christmas day, the 25th December, 2015 and I just had to promote it in any little way I could.

Need I add that Kula is really cool to work with as a producer. I was kind of nervous at first but he put me at ease. Plus I am more or less a perfectionist and felt I didn't deliver to the 'T' and yet they both assured me my bit was perfect.

There are so many raw talents in Africa yet to be discovered.
Hopefully someone that reads this post who knows someone who knows someone else who happens to be influential would get a hold of it and give them the break they deserve.

Do give the songs a listen by downloading the album through this link.
Of course I would shamelessly ask that you start off with track 4, Holy Matrimony which of course features my humble self *big grin*

Be nice with your comments on my 'not-so-fabulous' voice.

1 comment:

  1. Yo! Yo! Yo! Check out my sister singing her lungs out! Lol! Proud of u dear.
